UScan+ HD Universal Film Scanner

UScan+ HD Universal Film Scanner

  • Industry-high 18 megapixel active pixel area array sensor
  • Scan, print or save in color, grayscale or bitonal capture
  • Up to 2400 dpi resolution
  • Touchscreen-compatible interface
  • Customizable quick-start menu
  • USB 3.0 connectivity
  • ILL (Interlibrary Loan) Compatible
  • Flexible output options (Email, Cloud, USB, etc.)
  • Output to network, file save, USB, print, Cloud, Google Docs and CD/DVD
  • Two built-in USB ports
  • Standard features: touchscreen; manual and motorized roll film pods; smart edit; annotation; timed auto-capture for film and fiche; Rapidscan batch scanning (HD+ only); opaque microcard LED
  • Scanner options: 3M adapter; vendor interface kit (pay-per-use); OCR searchable text; foot pedal; low-level platen handle; manual roll film winding handle; microfilm spool adapter; monitor stand; cleaning kit
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In developing the UScan+ HD UF (Universal Film) Series as a part of the Crowley brand products, The Crowley Company has employed decades of industry-leading Mekel Technology and Wicks and Wilson production-level microfilm, microfiche and aperture card scanner technology, marrying high-volume expertise with walk-up patron requirements. Driven by ease-of-use and high image quality, the Uscan+ HD-series is ideal for public research, low-volume back-office conversions or as a replacement for outdated microfilm reader-printers.The UScan+ HD model features an 18 megapixel ultra-high resolution active pixel area array sensor and a full host of versatile features — including RapidScan batch scanning option, optical character recognition (OCR) capability, optional pay-per-use interfaces and more — to accommodate a wide range of patron needs for microform scanning.

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